Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson
In the year 2000, Michael Jackson was listed into the Guinness book of world records for breaking the world record for the "Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star“ an achievement that was accomplished by a lifetime of effort & tireless dedication, yet a little-known fact that has been overshadowed by years of fiction.
After the 2018 release of his book "Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson" and the 2019 adaptation into a documentary of the same name, now Paul Dwyer brings you the stories told directly from the people that were helped and affected by Michael Jackson's kindness and humanitarian efforts.
Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson
A quick introduction to my new podcast "Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson" including a little back-story as to how I came to create the it and a sneak-peek of what will be coming up on the next episode.
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Hi guys
Welcome to my podcast.
My name’s Paul Dwyer & I’ll be your podcast host.
In 2018 I published a book called “Humanitarian – The Real Michael Jackson” which chronicles all of Michael Jackson’s many humanitarian efforts and acts of kindness.
From hospitals & orphanages that he visited, to charities he supported or just acts of kindness to strangers, the book is FULL of AMAZING stories of how Michael Jackson helped children, families and people all over the world.
As my book mentions, he visited more hospitals and orphanages, than performed concerts.
And in EVERY city that he visited when on tour all over the world, he was sure to give back to those in need in those communities.
2 years after I published the book, I started getting contacted by people all over the world that had MORE stories of how Michael had helped them.
So many so that I had to revise the book and in 2020 I published a new version with more stories.
Now in 2023 I’m still discovering MORE stories of people that Michael helped, so instead of revising my book again, I thought I’d bring these stories into the public domain via this podcast.
All the people you’ll hear me chatting with have first-hand stories that they were witness to THEMSELVES.
There’s no hearsay or twisting of truths here. On this podcast you’ll hear the stories directly from the people THAT WERE THERE.
Some of the stories are in the book and some are NOT.
I have 2 very special guests that will be kicking off the podcast in the next episode, one is the CEO, co-founder & president of a Los Angeles non-for-profit organization that was inspired directly by Michael’s humanitarian efforts, The Heal Los Angeles Foundation. I got the pleasure of meeting him and helping him with some work his foundation was doing and can tell you firsthand he is a passionate, hardworking leader and great guy, Mr John Muto.
And joining him will be another gentleman I was honored to meet last year and have stayed in touch with since to organize this chat and I’m SO appreciative of his time because I know he doesn’t do a lot of these things.
That’s the other co-founder of Heal Los Angeles and Michael Jackson’s first-born Son Prince Michael Jackson Jnr.
So here’s a little snippet of what’s to come on the first episode of my podcast “Humanitarian – The Real Michael Jackson.”
Hi, I’m Prince Jackson and your listening to Humanitarian The Real Michael Jackson.
My name is John Muto of the Heal Los Angeles Foundation and you’re listening to the podcast “Humanitarian The Real Michael Jackson.”
It was a really awesome book for me because, as I mentioned earlier, when I’ve been working on the film of my Dad, I’ve been going through this journey where I’ve learned so much about a man that I grew up with, but there’s so much history that I wasn’t there for, so when I read your book, the stories were so familiar to me because they were told to me by my Dad. But what was so impressive to me was to see it laid out on the scale that you did it, going back to his early years when he was a young adult, to see how much he’d actually done and then you start getting into the 80’s and 90’s and how frequent it was. You almost forget that he was on tour some of the time. And he wasn’t just donating large sums of money, he also donated his time and showed up. From my childhood, that was always something that he was very proud of. He was proud of his artistry and he was proud of his heritage, but he was so proud of what that platform gave him to do, to support non-profit and his philanthropic endeavors.
When I was going through your book, it really sparked this memory, where I know my dad was proud of his accomplishments and he used to talk about how he was in the Guinness book of records for two reasons and I know the two reasons why he’s in there, but I only remember him talking about how proud he was for holding the Guinness book of world records for the broad scope of how many charities he had contributed to or he had helped, (that were on the record) because when you speak to people that knew him or my siblings and I, we would accompany him on these types of trips and its Michael Jackson! I mean he was the most famous person in the world, its hard NOT to get a photo of him, but there are, in my memory places that we visited, I cant tell you where they were, I don’t remember where they were, I was a child, you know I just showed up with my father, but there’s no coverage of it, so for me its like ‘did it happen, was it something else?’ but it did happen, he was just that type of person. As much publicity that he had around him everywhere he went, he still had these opportunities to do the things that he wanted to do to help children, burn victims, people that were less fortunate. He didn’t do it for publicity, he did it because it was something inside.
So there you go! This is definitely an episode that you don’t want to miss! And the amazing chats don’t stop there. Over the coming weeks and months, you’ll hear stories from ex-employees, friends and people that were on the receiving end of Michael Jackson’s humanitarian efforts.
Make sure you subscribe to the podcast to get a notification when new episodes are LIVE and follow my socials for updates & sneak peeks.
The website is HumanitarianMJ.com and our socials are all @HumanitarianMJ.
An ongoing theme of this podcast is Michael’s many Humanitarian accomplishments, but I want to express to anyone listening that you don’t have to be rich or famous to be a humanitarian.
The only pre-requisite to being a Humanitarian is being HUMAN.
The rest is one act of kindness today, then another, then another.
We ALL have the power to be humanitarians so I want to put out a call to everyone listening to go & perform at least one act of kindness TODAY and let me know on the HumanitarianMJ socials what it is.
I cant wait to read your posts, to chat with you and for you to hear the amazing stories coming up on “Humanitarian – The Real Michael Jackson.”
Until next time, I’m Paul Dwyer, go out & be humanitarians today.